17 Januari 2016 (Ahad) Naib Canselor UMT, Profesor Dato` Dr. Nor Aieni binti Haji Mokhtar menerima kunjungan hormat Profesor Anjung Institut Bioteknologi Marin (IMB – Institute of Marine Biotechnology), Profesor Thomas Macrae dan rombongan dari Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, diiringi oleh Prof. Madya Dr. Yeong Yik Sung dan Prof. Madya Dr. Noraznawati binti Ismail.…

Biotech Talk Series 13/ 2016

‘Biotech Talk Series 13/ 2016′ Date: 13 January 2016 (Wed) Masa: 9:00 am – 1:00pm Theme: Moving Forward with Biotechnology Tempat: Auditorium INOS SPEAKERS Prof. Dr. Thomas H. MacRae dari Dalhousie University, Kanada Profesor Dr. Tengku Sifzizul Bin Tengku Muhammad, IMB, UMT Prof. Madya Dr. Noraznawati Binti Ismail, IMB, UMT

IMB Postgraduate Workshop

On 5th and 6th of April 2015,  IMB  held a postgraduate workshop, which was  held at the Bilik Karpet Biru, Dewan Sultan Mizan, UMT. The workshop was participated by IMB lecturers,  researchers and students.     First Day: 05 April 2015 (Sunday)   8.30 – 9.00 a.m      : Registration 9.00 – 10.00 a.m     : Talk 1 : How to Success…

Horseshoe Crab Expedition: Kuala Perlis, Perlis 2015

On March 20, 2015,  IMB organized an expedition to fishermen settlements in  Kuala Perlis, Perlis. The purposes of this expedition were to collect information  of horseshoe crab in the area and any fishermen’s  related activities regarding this animal. The expedition was led by Prof. Dr. Noraznawati binti Ismail who an expert researcher on the horseshoe crab.   IMB’s researchers who…


Institut Bioteknologi Marin telah mengadakan Retreat Pengurusan pada 5Mac – 7 Mac 2015, bertempat di Lost World Of Tambun, Ipoh, Perak. Antara agenda yang telah dibincangkan adalah, Menetapkan objektif dan fungsi IMB yang menyokong Visi dan Maisi UMT, Menyemak tugasan Pegawai sains dan Penolong Pegawai Sains berasaskan matriks, aktiviti yang akan dilaksanakan tahun 2015 (Immidiete…


PERANCANGAN HALATUJU DAN PROGRAM PENYELIDIKAN   NATURAL AND SYNTHETIC PRODUCTS  IMMUNE AND MOLECULAR PATHWAYS  APPLICATIONS OF MARINE MICRO-ORGANISMS  Prof Madya Dr. Habsah Mohamad (Ketua program/Staf teras) Dr. Yosie Andriani HS (Kontrak) Dr. Ibrahim Suleiman Eldeen (Kontrak)   Prof. Madya Dr. Yeong Yik Sung (Ketua program/Staf teras) Prof. Dr. Tengku Sifzizul Tengku Muhammad (Pengarah/Staf teras)  …


BIOTECH TALK SERIES 12/2014 Annual program of the Institute of Marine Biotechnology (IBM), Biotech Talk Series 12/2014 was held on 9 September 2014 at the Auditorium INOS, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu ( UMT). The theme of the program is Moving Forward with Biotechnology.   Invited speaker for this occasion was Prof. Dr. Thomas H. MacRae and…