ICAMB User Registration


Identify the laboratory to be used


Filling out the User Registration Form and Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Form (COSHH)


Meet Laboratory Person in Charge for Relevant Laboratory for Laboratory space and Approval 


Complete and Pass Your E-osh

Before answering, make sure you log in using your UMT EMAIL ACCOUNT only.

You are encouraged to answer questions using a LAPTOP/PC to avoid any technical issues. However, if you fail, please try again after 12.00 pm the next day OR choose another set of questions to answer.

Fill in the ‘One Time Registration’ (OTR) through the QR code that has been provided


Please get animal/ GMO/ LMO/ microorganism ethics approval for the relevant laboratory work.


Submit the User Registration Form together with the Risk Assessment Form (COSSH Form) and OTR that has been verified to obtain permission to enter the laboratory.

Mr. Julius Yong Fu Siong/ Mrs. Desy Fitrya Syamsumir


After the form has been received and passed, fill out the Lab Access Card Registration Form

*Before Filling Out The Form, The User Must Provide Digital E-Osh Cert and Digital verified COSHH Form


Mr. Ridzuan Yusof/ Ms. Asma Nasuha