My research primarily focuses on application of heat shock proteins (Hsps) for disease control in aquaculture, and detection and use of hormone peptides as biomarker for sex identification in fish. The framework of these studies involves international collaboration from Ghent University, Belgium. The novel method discovered was filed for WIPO patent application in 2009 and is now pending for award. Additionally, I was awarded a research grant under the “1000-Plan Young Talent Professors” program by the People’s Republic of China from 2014-2017 of which I now serve as a visiting professor at the Tianjin Agriculture University, China to work on topics related to molecular chaperones. To date, I have produced 33 publications in international peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, with an H-index of 8 (Google Scholar). I serve as an Editor-In-Chief for the Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture, BioInfo Publications, and Editorial Member for Journal of Coastal Development and the Journal of Marine Science Research and Development, Omics Publishing Group, USA. My expertise is recognized by the many invitations from well-cited journals as reviewer; amongst them include PLoS ONE, Cell Stress and Chaperones, Fish & Shellfish Immunology, Aquaculture, Journal of Fish Diseases, Aquaculture Research, Virology and the national publisher Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP). I have invented JSB-extract, JASBEY and P3+ Pellets, products which had won a Special Jury Award, 2 gold, 3 silver and a bronze medal in research and innovation competitions. I was awarded the Outstanding Scientist Award (Applied Science and Engineering Category) in 2013, Young Academic Leadership Award and the Pure Science Research Publication Award in 2014 by Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. Work on RNA interference in the brine shrimp Artemia to study the putative role of Hsp70 in disease tolerance had been initiated during my visit to Dalhousie University, Canada. I serve as a visiting scientist to Dalhousie University in 2011-2014. Other than Hsps, my work focuses on the detection of hormone peptides for sex identification in Arowana, an important and valuable ornamental fish species
Research Programme:
Immune and Molecular Therapeutics
Field/ Expertise:
Molecular chaperones;
Live food culture

BSc., (UMT)

Profesional Membership:
Academic Recognition: