Man and Biosphere 360 Biodiversity Education Programme
Tasik Chini, Pahang
This program is organized by the Pahang Biodiversity Council and involves the collaboration of various government agencies, private and public universities including the Pahang Negeri Park Corporation, Petrosains Sdn Bhd, the Malaysian Armed Forces, the Forestry Department, the Fisheries Department, UM, UPM, UMT and others.
A total of 14 science modules were used including flora and fauna modules, amateur radio communication, bioaquatics, forest survival, and astronomy. These students were also exposed to the concept of UNESCO Man And Biosphere and the Legend of Tasik Chini by Honorary Prof FST, UKM, Dato’ Sri Prof. Dr. Mushrifah Idris.
This program has exposed the students to practical knowledge of science to cultivate their interest in this field. This coincides with the desire to strengthen the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) initiative in Malaysia, especially for SDG4 Quality Education and SDG17 Partners For Goals.