Natural Products Workshop (Series I): Basic Isolation and Purification of Metabolites in Natural Product Discovery.

Terrestrial plants and marine organism contain different secondary metabolites with unique structures and characteristics. In natural product discovery, the extraction, fractionation, isolation and purification use different solvent systems and chromatographic techniques are very essential lead to the discovery of potential bioactive compounds. Therefore, the Natural Products Workshop Series 1 covers basic understanding of various isolation and purification techniques as well as the extraction methods. The main target participants are:

  • Early graduate or post graduate students,
  • Science officers,
  • Researchers

Especially who are involved with natural products discovery.

Date      : 7 & 8 August 2017 (Monday & Tuesday)

Venue  : Meeting Room & Natural Product Lab, Institute of Marine Biotechnology (IMB)

Time      : 0800am – 1730pm


Fees      : RM 400/person (UMT students/participants)

RM 500/person (non UMT)



Limited to 20 participants only.




Program Tentative

Day 1       :   7th August 2017 (Monday)

Time Activities
0800 – 0845 Registration at IMB
0845 – 0915 Introduction to Natural Products: from sea bed to test bed

by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Habsah Mohamad

0915 – 1030 Introduction to Extraction: selection of solvents and extraction techniques
1030 – 1045 Coffee Break
1045 – 1230 Principal of Chromatography
1230 – 1400 Lunch Break
1400 – 1700 Hands-on session 1: Extraction, Metabolite profiling & Fractionation

1. Extraction

2. Metabolite profiling – TLC

3. Fractionation – VLC technique at  Natural Product Lab, IMB

(1 sample preparation for each technique)*

1700 – 1715 Tea Break




Day 2       :   8th August 2017 (Tuesday)


Time Activities
0900 – 1015


Isolation and purification – selection of solvents and chromatographic techniques
1015 – 1030 Coffee Break
1030 – 1230 Hands-on session 2: Isolation & Purification

Column and radial chromatography techniques at Natural Product Lab, IMB

(1 sample preparation for each technique)*

1230 – 1400 Lunch Break
1400 – 1630 Hands-on session 3: Isolation & Purification

MPLC technique at Natural Product Lab, IMB

(1 sample preparation for each technique)*

1630 – 1700 Closing remarks & Coffee Break





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Natural Products Workshop Form

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