prog 3 natural product CONTACT

email: yosie.hs@umt.edu.my

tel       : +609-6683951

fax      : +609-6683105





Dr. Yosie Andriani HS was graduated from the Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI) in the field of Biochemistry and she earned master of Biochemistry from the Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Indonesia.  Her master research areas were related to anti-hypercholesterolemia and anti-atherosclerosis activities of plant extracts of jati belanda in vivo using rabbits. She then completed her Doctorate degree of Biochemistry from Institute of Marine Biotechnology (IMB), University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), Malaysia in 2012.

Her Ph.D research was studies on the mechanism of action of compounds isolated from Phaleria macrocarpa for hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis by in vitro and in vivo studies, it’s funded by Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), Malaysia. During her PhD she also isolated a new compound with anti-hypercholesterolemia potential and studied the toxicity effect of the compounds on liver and kidney of rats via histology. In 1999, Dr. Yosie served as a lecturer at FMIPA-Universitas Bengkulu (UNIB), Indonesia. She is currently a lecturer and a researcher at IMB, UMT, Malaysia. During last two years, she has supervised of 10 degree students and one master student from IMB (UMT), and 3 master students from Indonesia under collaboration of LOI between FKIP-UNIB and IMB, UMT, Malaysia. She was also active involved as a researcher on that collaboration. Moreover, Dr. Yosie has two research grants from Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), Malaysia. Her currently grants are related to studies on mechanisms of anti-inflammatory, anti-hypercholesterolemia and anti-atherosclerosis properties of compounds isolated from coastal plants and marine bacteria, and their toxicity on animal’s model. In addition, she is also keen to explore the efficacy of anti-cancer of coastal plants, marine bacteria and marine organisms, and the mechanisms involved.

Dr. Yosie was active as an author in some international conferences and scientific journal articles. She was also served as a member of research collaboration under MOU between IMB, UMT and Ipharme, USM, Penang, Malaysia since October 2014.